Menudo at Trader Joes
Made burgers yesterday…
So last night when N got home he asked what type of meat the burgers were made from. Uhhhh, what? Beef of course! He said they were sortta dry… Phew!
I usually buy 87-90% ground sirloin beef and make them myself but while at TJ’s this weekend I decided to use their 95% beef patties already shaped and stacked for me. Turns out N no likey these. After I reassured N that he was indeed eating moo and not some sort of rat burger he looked relieved. Pobre, I bet he was wondering all day what the hell I was feeding him. Told him not eat the remaining patties as I’d just eat them for lunch the next two days.
So I just got a call from him. He ate the last patty! Told me that being on the Zone M-H wouldn’t kill him so he bit the bullet and ate the last rat burger. Poor guy. Now I just hope he doesn’t lose a ton of weight cause that man can drop three pounds just by saying he will. Grrrr I hate his super strength metabolism.
Lesson of the day – N no like pre-prepared burgers. Especially not super-extra-lean ones.
“rat burgers are the shit!! drunk or not, they send you to another place. they are the east coast equivilant to menudo for a hang over. rat burgers and yohoo!” – jersey, Aug 14, 2007
Today being my 2.2 day I feel good. Had my bootcamp (BC) session at an ungodly hour and made it to the train on time and ate breakfast at work. Have had B, L and a snack and so far I’ve been a strict Zoner. Although there was this incident in the morning where all of a sudden I needed a mini-zucchini muffin from Starbucks and almost had one if it wasn’t for their insane line. For once in my life I was pleased to see a line a mile out.
Week 2
I've been arguing with myself for the past few weeks about getting serious about my eating habits. Its not like I eat a bunch of crap but for the workouts I get in there really should be results. So, once again I'm back on the Zone. Hopefully I can try and really stick it through. The plan really isn't hard but just knowing its a diet of sorts really puts me off mentally. Anyway, after a hiatus from watching what I eat I'm back to really thinking about all my choices. Ugh.
That's the thing that has always bothered me about food changes, all the thinking involved. You know, all the preparing and stuff. After the wedding I was pretty burned out from this. Pre-wedding I went on a pretty intense diet and got great results but damn was that hard. So of course post-wedding I went crazy and indulged in all I could get my little hands on. Then I had this crazy idea put into my head about participating in some trail race. huh? So, I went on the Zone last April and once again got some great results for the race in May. With only a month and half- assing it I was quite impressed with this little diet's powers. So here we go again, except this time around I'm taking it a tad more serious and have two months till my race. Please light a candle to the virgencita for my oh so powerful love of cookies, chocolate, ice cream, wine, bread and pizza. I'll miss you all *tear*. Sniff.
So yeah, this is actually my second week on the Zone. I must say that I'm pretty proud of myself and even though I wasn't insanely on the Zone at all times I did manage to be on it about 65% of the time. Anyway, since I had weighed and started last week on Tuesday I deem today the commencement of week 2. I lost a total of 1.5 lbs but I'm always weary of these types of results. I need to see an actual pattern for at least four weeks before I can actually accept any weight loss.
Things that I've started to do have been journaling all my meals. Anything come in it all goes in my little trusty book. Even though I only managed to track two days last week I've incorporated some goals for this week:
Goals for Week 2
- Record food for at least 5 days this week (need to be realistic)
- Continue with four day WO, maybe add a Sunday run if legs are up for it
- Omega 3 & B complex everyday this week
- 3 servings of poison everyday
- I can't believe this one, no alcohol except on Sat & Sun
- Min. 5 liters of water a day
- No breads/ grains/ rice after 1PM (except for Fridays)
Ack! It's 4 min to 1, gotta run and eat my bread.
No time no see. Geez, I really did fall off the wagon here. I was actually contemplating on just closing shop. Not really a quitter but it seems that maintaining a blog is much harder than I had originally anticipated.
So what have I been up to? Nothing much, just watching a bunch or movies and reading, and of course eating. There was this trial I was on for THREE months! Can you believe! No one did. But yeah, its true the thing lasted three months. They were tough emotional months for me as it was a murder trial. I won’t divulge any details only that we did reach a verdict on two out of the three charges. I must admit that this experience has affected me a bit. More on that in a day or two…
Since then, only two weeks ago, I’ve come back to work and tried to continue with my regular routine. Same ole stuff like surfing the net (gawd I missed you), composing e-mails, working, cooking and trying to get back into shape. Seems this last task is never ending. Actually, they’re all never ending. Anyway, I watched a ton of movies during my hiatus but only really remember a few. Guess they weren’t all good. The few that I feel compelled to list are:
1. Michael Clayton – this movie really surprised me! Loved it!
2. There Will Be Blood – you just can’t get any better than Danny Day Lewis. I freakin’ <3 him. One of thee best movies of the year for me.
3. No Country For Old Men – great story but it was a tad slow for me. I think this is a total guy movie like Atonement is a total girl movie ya know.
4. Atonement – there’s very few actors I love and Miss Knightley is one of them. True to her acting skills she didn’t disappoint.
5. Trade – this movie had me on edge all the way through!
6. Sweeney Todd – made me rethink of my “hate musical and will never watch them” policy I enacted after Chicago. Was quite entertaining, but then again I <3 Depp.
7. Death at a Funeral – if you haven’t yet seen this film, DO!
So all in all you didn’t miss much in my absence.