
In an attempt to gain some sort of control over my running I decided that the babies and I were going to start running at the Rose Bowl on Saturday mornings... yesterday was our first day...

I've been out of the working out world for some time now so I had no idea what the eff was going on when we got there. N quickly informed me over the phone to "get the hell of there" so I did. There was no way that I was going to let two hours, yes TWO hours, of getting ready time go to waste. I headed to Sierra Madre instead.

N recommended I do the Grandview loop, I had other plans... didn't think I was up for the entire loop so I was going to come back down on Baldwin. Well I ended up going all the way up Santa Anita and then came down Baldwin. With a stroller carrying two 20+lb 10 month olds and a 40lb husky at the hip.

I'm tired. No, I'm exhausted. NO, I'm sore.