somewhere [anywhere] to live

We’ve been looking for a house for quite some time now. Months and countless Saturday AND Sunday afternoons and sometimes mornings. It sucks. There’s nothing out there. Nada! At least nothing that’s priced right and has oh let’s see a kitchen! Not one that’s been gutted that you really don’t even know in what room you’re standing in. Oh, which brings me to my other issue. What part does no sinks, doors, missing floors scream turnkey!?!?!!!!

Now I know we’re no Bush family but come on we do have stable jobs and make reasonable salaries. Hell we even have a freakin’ downeffinpayment. So why is it so hard to find something? Why? WHY!

I hate house shopping. I hate homeowners. I hate that I don’t have a house yet.

I hate that I’m about to give up.