Nightmare on Elm Street
I'm so the Grinch who stole Halloween. Damn I've been in a shitty mood all day, all week, all year dag nabbit! I'm so ready for 2008. Please Lord let thy year-th end-th, pronto-th.
We have a bunch of treats at home for the little ghosts and goblins but I'm afraid the only one who'll be enjoying the goodie bags I so feverishly slaved over will be me. Hopefully one or two little guys will stop by to lift my spirits. Har-har.
I sure could use a cupcake right about now... with a chaser of wine.
insane in the membrane
I think I'm going crazy...
On overload mode at the moment. Back in the office for the week, off on vacation for two, then back to the same bullshit commute up north. In the meantime I can't concentrate on jack shit. There's a report that needs to get written, some interviews that must be conducted, reservations need to me made, bills must get paid, food bought, pedicure overdue, and so on. Plus, I have this looming vacation with nothing planned! Argh! On top of all that there's some family issues that have been occupying my thoughts.
Plan of action:
- try to at least schedule an interview today (work related)
- go home and run (stress reliever)
- watch movie about Daniel Pearl (fun)
- forget about the rest of my list
I really need money, lots of money. I've been trying to figue out schemes ways to make tons of cash pronto. So far I have these ideas:
- open a bar- because lets face it there are never enough bars.
- open a wine bar- see above
- write a book... still trying to see how that works out.
- go into import business, like furniture from Mehico.
and my newest idea...
... have my husband go on Survivor. YES, i'm serious. He'd totally win. Like really, that guy is Mr. Competitive. Plus he's fully fit and he has this incredible gift with people. He messes with them and can get inside their heads. All skills needed to win on that show. Damn, he'd so win. I've already pitched the idea to him and he actually liked it. Heehee, he said that next year would work best as far as schedules go...
First off, I seriously can’t fucking believe Californians actually voted this asshole into office… But really gubernator, can you be any more of an idiot! I hate you! There are hundreds of people as I’m going off trying to fend off the fires from their homes while this asshole along with Dumass Baca pose for publicity shots in no other than Mal-i-fucking-boohoo. Geez, it’s so sad that we actually have to be subjected to his stupidity in such a trying time. As for those people who are actually being affected by the fires, my heart goes out to you. Last night I heard this poor man pleading for help from firefighters as his home was about to get engulfed by flames. He said his home was all he had, and I truly believe that in this economy. Pobre, I hope your home is still intact and you and your family are safe Mr. Homeowner.
I have a shitload of work staring at me but I've decided to ignore it. So heres a list of random facts about me.
1. I love the color green. Mint chip icecream, trees, forests, green goes with my olive skin, money, green m&m's, one of my wedding colors, the SB logo, green tea, spinich fettuccini.
2. I've always wanted to be an archeologist/ historian because of Indiana Jones. My favorite movies as a kid.
3. My family's pet name for me literaly means "fatty" in english.
4. Sometimes I'm so tired I don't brush me teeth at night. Gross I know but hey.
5. News annoys the shit out of me. Like CNN, NBC, ABC all that bullshit. Fucken stupid controled news.
6. I'm scared shit-less about being a mother. Like really really really scared. So scared I had a dream I had a baby and the thing called me "mommy" and I woke up with heart racing cold sweat.
7. I wish I lived in Mexico.
8. If I ever become rich I'm blowing this country and moving to Mexico.
Book Club Read #1
Kite Runner
Boy was this book sad. It was very well written and the imagery was so on. I won't even try to review this book with my mediocrity. I do however, recommend this book. Warning, you should be at a good peaceful time in you life as the book is somewhat haunting.
Our next book is Eat Pray and Love. Sounds like a very spiritual book in a not so spiritual sense. I'm sure once I'm done with it I too will want to travel to Italy, India and Indonesia.
As for travels. I've been invited/ accepted to join a group going to New Zealand for some charity work but I'm really torn. Unfortunately the cost is not something I can do right now in my life, which is really causing me to reevaluate my priorities. As I was reading at SB I was thinking of how I can come up with a large sum of money to fund this trip. Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated.
Life is too short.
brain dead
I think I may be dying. Like really dying. My poor body is braking down on me. Too much work/ stress is wearing me thin these days. The worst part of it all is that I can't even take some time off! Argh! I hate my job. Most people say that but I really really really hate my job. I'm so that guy on Office Space.
The good thing is that I'll be vacationing it up in a few more weeks. I'm so excited and can't wait. But I also want more than one week. I want, need an entire month.
Fuck you work.
Breakfast of Champions
- 1 liter of water
- red apple
- six Keebler Rainbow Deluxe cookies
Good thing too since there’s a dog show at the hotel I’m staying at this week. Sahweeeet!
On my commute in this morning, while I was people watching I noticed how unhappy people were. Yes, I know traffic was a fucking bitch that deserves to die but come on. I need some entertainment so entertain me. And while I'm at it, can the moron with the "USC Alumni" license plate holder learn how to drive! You would think a grad from a reputable *cough* school would at least know something as basic as braking. Guess not...
In other news, I got pretty hammered this weekend and inadvertently "joined/co founded" a book club. How fucking uncool is that. I'm so embarrassed I may come back later and delete this passage. Dudes, I feel like I should might as well start watching Oprah and die. At least the book is a picker upper, Kite Runner. Now I have to read the first ten chapters by Sunday. This sounds too much like school.
I love rainbow cookies!