I have a shitload of work staring at me but I've decided to ignore it. So heres a list of random facts about me.
1. I love the color green. Mint chip icecream, trees, forests, green goes with my olive skin, money, green m&m's, one of my wedding colors, the SB logo, green tea, spinich fettuccini.
2. I've always wanted to be an archeologist/ historian because of Indiana Jones. My favorite movies as a kid.
3. My family's pet name for me literaly means "fatty" in english.
4. Sometimes I'm so tired I don't brush me teeth at night. Gross I know but hey.
5. News annoys the shit out of me. Like CNN, NBC, ABC all that bullshit. Fucken stupid controled news.
6. I'm scared shit-less about being a mother. Like really really really scared. So scared I had a dream I had a baby and the thing called me "mommy" and I woke up with heart racing cold sweat.
7. I wish I lived in Mexico.
8. If I ever become rich I'm blowing this country and moving to Mexico.