is it November yet?
I wish it were. Two weeks ago I was ranting and raving about how refreshed and happy I was to be back at work. Yeah, that lasted all two days. Can't wait for our trip to Oaxaca come Fall.
We'll be flying into Oaxaca City and staying for about four nights then off to Huatulco for five nights. Can't wait for the sun and surf and FOOD! In the meantime we're planning a little getaway to SanD. Both N and I desperately need this, except I must admit that he needs it more than I. Poor guy has been working like a dog. Pobre. Hopefully we'll be able to sort out some dates and leave ASAP. Our trip will include a mandatory visit to Shamu and maybe a stop at the zoo. N wants us to also do this. Can't forget about all the dining and drinking too. Need to find the illustrious tequila bar I once saw featured on a best of San Diego show. At least I can refer to this Best of List for now.
What a nice vacation you 2 will be taking in Nov. Time goes so slow when you have something to look forward to. We're in need of one.