twitt[i]er stalker
Richard Gere is DEFINATLY still hot. 5 min ago
Men just get better and better. 5 min ago
Bastards. 3 min ago
Bwahahaha! 1 min ago
It’s Monday what else can I say…
Had a great weekend and wish I had another day… or four. My cold has passed and now I’m just congested, especially in my chest.
So my first week of 3:1 failed. I missed out on Thursday since I felt like crap. Here’s what I did do:
Friday: CrossFit-Jackie(?) 1K row, 50 thrusters w/45lb bar, and 30 pullups (jumping) Time-16:40
Saturday: ran 12.5 miles. Time-2:50 The first 6 miles were okay, I wasn’t feeling so good but it was okay then I hit a wall. My body, breathing and mind were all suffering. Thankfully MK was the support crew and took care of us during the whole route! Thank gawd for MK!!! Really, if it wasn’t for him driving around and looking for us I’m not sure I would have made it. Also, Shannon was a true friend and stuck with me the whole way too. She sacrificed a good time to keep me company. I owe her BIG.
Sunday: REST My feet were doing much better but my left heel was giving me some problems. Every time I’d bend over pain would start there and shoot up my leg. This doesn’t sound good so I rolled my feet on tennis balls all day.
Monday: BC 400m sprints, 9 pushups, 9 jumping squats Time-5 rounds plus we ran up the goat hill 3 times, 5 if if you count the warm-up. My chest was congested and affected my breathing. Plus I was really tired after the sprints that it took me a long time to complete the pushups and squats. Hopefully by week’s end my breathing will get back on track.
Goals for the week:
- to complete two 3:1 schedules.
- must get rid of all this congestion.
- continually make better choices in all my consumption and hydration.
- Get to the bottom of A’s new haircut. Took me a lot of convincing and pleading and begging to get him to cut his locks for our wedding and now he’s just cut it “just because.” Yeah, whatever…
Finally, I swear this will end it, I was reflecting, yes reflecting, on my habits this weekend. I’ve come to the conclusion that I sabotage myself. Whenever I get into really improving my strength and times and diet I back off for some reason. First it happened after the wedding, last year it happened around this time, then again around March, then after Mt. Wilson, now I’m starting to get back on track and I’m starting to see bad habits creep up. In particular with my eating. So, at least I’ve recognized that I do this and will be continuously watching myself. I’m afraid of falling off the wagon again because that damn wagon goes way too fast and its soooo hard to get back on. Ask me, I’ve been doing the jumping on and off for a while.
wtf moments of today
1. after talking myself out of calling in sick i found a flat on my car. grrrr.
2. freakin' chest has been hurting all day long. tight and hard to breath.
3. stoopid kaiser had no effin appointments and they wanted me to go to urgent care. eff that i'll take my chances with my little inhaler.
4. going up a flight of stairs made me out of breath.
5. couldn't go to bc because of #1 and #2 and possibly #4.
6. just paid $205 for the effin 1 5k and 2 half marathon bibs. that's bs.
7. costco erased my car from their system. good thing i keep all car related receipts in glove compartment.
8. $190.21 at costco!!! wtf! i only got gatorade and soap.
more twitt[i]ering
"well, i fucken love you" <3 <3 <3 now
it's official i have a cold and i'm not happy. my nose has been drippy all day and it now hurts from all the wiping. body aches too. i know n is going to say that i've been pushing myself too much but i won't admit to that. i think someone gave me this virus.
oh, since i've been called out on being boring and outta touch for not having a twitter account i'll just add my own homemade twitt[i]er updates here...
twitt[i]er updates
watching satc again. 5 min ago
love ondemand. 4 min ago
wish i would have gotten an iced vanilla latte before i got home.4 min ago
i should really get dinner started. 3 min ago
i'm hungry 3 min ago
and really thirsty 3 min ago
wtf is that noise outside???? 2 min ago
all these cats are going to be the death of me 2 min ago
i am the bubble girl 2 min ago
alright, wish i had some nutella but instead will see what else i can eat 1 min ago
big is such an asshole 1 min ago
but oh so hot!!!! 1 min ago
Fall Cycle
Been in Atlanta, Vegas, training and now back at some more training. Sheesh seems like I no longer have a desk, which can be good and baaaaad.
Atlanta was hot. It made all of my allergies and asthma flare up and still am suffering from them. Not good. I did manage to eat right although I wasn't necessarily on the Zone but I did always manage to get some protein in at each meal.
Vegas was awesome. No more on that. >:)
Training is going great, learning tons of new stuff and can't wait to actually use these new skills.
Now for my other training. New Fall Bootcamp Cycle.
Week 1
Mon 9/15: Recover from Atlanta/Vegas
Tue 9/16: 5K run Time-30:19
Wed 9/17: Bootcamp 3 Razorback Repeats Time-last person down
Thu 9/18: Rested, legs and feet were both swollen and in pain.
Fri 9/19: CrossFit 5 rounds of 5 pull ups (jumped), 20 sit ups, 5 push ups, 10KB swings (green one) Time-16something last person that did this workout.
Sat 9/20: Woke up with painful feet again and skipped out on the 5K I had planned on doing. Attended a wedding and got some cardio in during the reception.
Sun 9/21: Chantry Flats Loop 5mi. Time-1:20+? Asthma was tough
Mon 9/22: Bootcamp Squats, bear crawl, crab walk, push ups
Tue 9/23: CrossFit 20 minutes of 10 medball cleans (16lbs) and 10 push ups Rounds:8
So I have 13.2 miles to run in a couple of weeks. I'm both excited and scared but mostly scared. I'm not sure I'm prepared. Plus, I've never gone that far so I know its 75% mental and 25% physical that's coming into play right now. In preparation for this big deal I'm trying out the 3:1 schedule. Today was day 3 of this new plan/torture. Feeling really tired but I don't know if its from all the sneezing and congestion that's been going on to really bad allergies, cold I may be getting from N or just plain stress from work. I'm really, really, I mean really looking forward to my rest day tomorrow. I think I may actually snore tonight.
Also really afraid on how my quads are going to feel too.
responses to comments
So I thought I’d address some comments I’ve received… Gee, I don’t even know what camera I want yet all I know is I want one, now. See, that’s how bad of an effin bandwagon’er I’ve become. So disappointed in myself. The funny thing is I don’t even like taking pictures. N does all of our picture taking. Seriously. I hate it. Seems like pictures interrupt the moment for me. I’m all about treasuring the moment. BUT, N takes really amazing pictures. He’s a total natural and I want to exploit that talent. For our walls ya know. Plus we have that Mexico trip coming up and I want some shots of the DF pyramids. I’m working on a collage of all indigenous things. So there you have it. Here’s one I’ve been looking at:
Geefunk, whatever. WHAT-EVER! Dude, seriously. I know you totally have to say stuff like that so we’ll leave it at that. Don’t forget that you’re doing youknowwhat next year. At or against your will. I’ve already signed you up…
trailrunnerconDios, tough? Come now, I’m no toughie. All I’m trying to do is just keep my Saturday mornings full until I find something less taxing. But in all seriousness, I’m in no way a toughie in respect to BC/CF/anythingrelatedtosports. It’s about just getting and staying healthy. If looking good is a side effect of this well that’s something I’m willing to live with. I know all the stuff about diet, consistency, etc. I think everyone knows, but some of us chose to ignore that knowledge and thus don’t do any of it. As far as diet, I’m working on this, have been for the last ten years. I’d probably be even more obese if I didn’t watch what I ate. I’m at my heaviest now and I watch what I eat even more so than any other time in my life. Argh age. What I’ve come to accept is that I have to watch it all the time, not just M-F. Consistency. I’m constantly working on the big C, sometimes I’m on it and sometimes I’m off. It’s hard work I tell ya.
Storytime: You know why I really did the Mt. Wilson? Because of Hope and Eric. I didn’t do it really because I wanted to do it, initially that is. First, Hope challenged us (lady bc’ers) to come out on Saturday mornings to train with the serious trail runners, like you. She assured us we didn’t have to do the race, just another day to get a workout in, plus it was free. So here I go thinking why not. Then the day of actually signing up came and everyone is signing up while I’m in a little corner minding my own business. Out of the corner of my eye I saw E coming at me. Sh!t is all I thought. Then he asked and I said I would think about it then he too challenged me. Admittedly that was one of the best tag team efforts I’ve seen out of those two. Talk about teamwork. So there you have the real reason to why I did the race in the first place. It wasn’t me, it was them. Then I have yet another coach at home constantly challenging me. See, some people are lucky to have coaches at their disposal at The Academy. I’m lucky to have one available all the time. Gosh, so many C words!
Another funny, I won't even be in town for the Pasadena gig...
double 5Ks
So I did it.
1st 5K - 29.45 :-)
2nd 5K - 33.27 :-(
No PRs for me. My 5K PR is 29.25. What I found was that the 1st was all about the cardio. Second one was just plain pain and fatigue. Ugh. Now I feel like I ran a marathon. :-(
I need new shoes. :-)
So I did the ten miles on Saturday, four on Monday and now I’m up for two 5K’s today. Daunting.
Also, I’ve managed to successfully stay on the Zone 75 percent of the time since Tuesday. Really can feel the difference even though N was making fun of me last night accusing me of drinking the so called water. Hmpf! Little does he know he’s been Zoning too. Hah!
So the only problem I’ve come across is bread. I love the stuff. Not white bread or table bread. Not that nonsense. I’m talking about chocolate muffins and banana walnut loaves bread. Especially with coffee… Damn you bread. Other than that it’s been good times. Then there’s that little bit of wine I had on Sunday, but, I did manage to offset it with some cheese full of protein.
I’ve also been lurking on The Zone’s boards and must admit are quite helpful. It’s reassuring to know there are others with the same thoughts and feelings when it comes to The Zone and food in general.
Something else I’ve been thinking about seriously is adopting the 3:1 schedule. It’s all about getting back to consistency and dedication. I did do those last things before and saw results, I guess they do work. Just guessing here.
Crap, I think someone’s slipped me some of that water after all. #%$%*)!