It’s Monday what else can I say…
Had a great weekend and wish I had another day… or four. My cold has passed and now I’m just congested, especially in my chest.
So my first week of 3:1 failed. I missed out on Thursday since I felt like crap. Here’s what I did do:
Friday: CrossFit-Jackie(?) 1K row, 50 thrusters w/45lb bar, and 30 pullups (jumping) Time-16:40
Saturday: ran 12.5 miles. Time-2:50 The first 6 miles were okay, I wasn’t feeling so good but it was okay then I hit a wall. My body, breathing and mind were all suffering. Thankfully MK was the support crew and took care of us during the whole route! Thank gawd for MK!!! Really, if it wasn’t for him driving around and looking for us I’m not sure I would have made it. Also, Shannon was a true friend and stuck with me the whole way too. She sacrificed a good time to keep me company. I owe her BIG.
Sunday: REST My feet were doing much better but my left heel was giving me some problems. Every time I’d bend over pain would start there and shoot up my leg. This doesn’t sound good so I rolled my feet on tennis balls all day.
Monday: BC 400m sprints, 9 pushups, 9 jumping squats Time-5 rounds plus we ran up the goat hill 3 times, 5 if if you count the warm-up. My chest was congested and affected my breathing. Plus I was really tired after the sprints that it took me a long time to complete the pushups and squats. Hopefully by week’s end my breathing will get back on track.
Goals for the week:
- to complete two 3:1 schedules.
- must get rid of all this congestion.
- continually make better choices in all my consumption and hydration.
- Get to the bottom of A’s new haircut. Took me a lot of convincing and pleading and begging to get him to cut his locks for our wedding and now he’s just cut it “just because.” Yeah, whatever…
Finally, I swear this will end it, I was reflecting, yes reflecting, on my habits this weekend. I’ve come to the conclusion that I sabotage myself. Whenever I get into really improving my strength and times and diet I back off for some reason. First it happened after the wedding, last year it happened around this time, then again around March, then after Mt. Wilson, now I’m starting to get back on track and I’m starting to see bad habits creep up. In particular with my eating. So, at least I’ve recognized that I do this and will be continuously watching myself. I’m afraid of falling off the wagon again because that damn wagon goes way too fast and its soooo hard to get back on. Ask me, I’ve been doing the jumping on and off for a while.