heart of darkness
I’ve been feeling sorta very crappy. Still haven’t been able to recover from the trail race. This really sucks too because I’m really feeling the guilt mounting up.
I went for a run on Friday what N and I have deemed the “mansion run.” This sucker is nothing but 3 miles straight up hill. The first 1.5 is decent but the remaining 1.5 is brutal. So I went on my own. At 10am. Ugh. This was a bad idea and I knew it before I even got my shoes on. The heat killed me. Surprisingly I felt great and was able to run 2 miles nonstop out of the 3, something I have never been able to do. The sun was just too much so I had to stop. Then being the smart person that I am I took a longer route back home. Another stupid idea. All in all the loop was a little over 6 miles and I was not doing so good once I got home. Needles to say I never made it to the trail run on Saturday with some of the workout buffs. I’m sad about this. I’m really hoping my diet change will kick in soon to make me feel a little better. My plan is to do something tomorrow, no matter what.
N’s little sister graduated from college on Saturday! We’re so proud of her. It was crazy hot though and I swore I almost passed out twice sitting out in the sun. I’d do it again though, it was great to see how much she has grown over the years. Love you sister-drammatical-J.
In other related news, my little brother is also graduating, from high school. He'll be attending college this summer. So, in anither four or five years we'll be at another grad. Love you little A.
Congratulations to all the new grads!
Congrats to your sister-in-law and lil bro on graduating.
Congrats grads!
Estas loca running out in this heat!